Blog Sewer

How to Calculate the Volume of the Septic


The sewage generated in the course of human activity must be removed from the premises. Problems with this do not arise in areas that provide for the installation of a central sewer system. If there is no such a possibility, the owners of country houses have to solve this problem by other available methods. Most often the choice is made in favor of local sewage treatment plants, with the need to decide what size septic needed, what kind of device to choose and how to service it. Answers to these and other questions, you will find in this article.

What to consider when choosing a septic tank

Life out of town today is chosen by many city dwellers, while many are not prepared for the difficulties that arise, and this is primarily the lack of municipal infrastructure. To solve the problems of water supply and wastewater disposal have to decide by different methods, and it is important in this case to minimize the risk of ingress of sewage into the ground and water bodies. The degree of purification of the liquid discharged into the pond must comply with the provisions of legislative acts governing the protection of the environment. If the water purified in the septic tank will be used for the second time, the sanitary standards already come into force.

The main advantage of local wastewater treatment systems can be called the most effective treatment for re-use of water for technical purposes, including watering. When choosing a wastewater treatment system, you should consider the following factors:

  • the number of people living in the house;
  • frequency of residence;
  • the features and composition of the soil;
  • the characteristics of the terrain;
  • the level of occurrence of deep water;
  • Frost depth of the ground.

Local sewage treatment facility is selected depending on the specific conditions and characteristics of the area. It could be a storage tank, sufficient to cope with the wastewater in a cottage, designed for seasonal residence, settling tanks and complete biological treatment plants. The latter guarantee almost one hundred percent sewage treatment and significantly reduce the frequency of use of special equipment. Therefore, when installing the septic tank has to take into account the volume of the sewage truck, and the standard model can accommodate 3.75 “cubic meters” of sewage. It remains to know how to calculate the volume of the septic tank, taking into account the main factors.

Calculating the volume of the septic tank for a private home

The main task of the septic is the disposal of residues of vital functions, so the device must have the capacity to accumulate and effectively clean the entire volume of sewage. To avoid overfilling the chambers must make the correct calculation of the volume of septic tank for a private home. It would seem that there is nothing complicated about it – you just need to add up the volume of all the chambers of the disposer, but it would be too simple.

In fact, it looks a little different: the volume of the first chamber is calculated from the level of the bottom to the overflow pipe, while the usable space of the second chamber is all that is between the bottom and the drain pipe. In addition, you should take into account that over time in the first tank accumulates a large number of solid particles, which occupy one fifth of the usable space. Therefore, when calculating the liquid component, these 20% must be subtracted from the total volume. Now, to understand what should be a septic, it remains to compare the expected amount of sewage.

The daily flow rate of water for the average user is 200 liters, or 0.2 m3, but according to the rules of the minimum volume should be calculated with a margin of 3 days. Thus, for a family of 3 people, the approximate flow of water is 1.8 m3, and that’s not counting the 20% that must be added to the bottom sediment.

The formula for calculating the volume of the septic tank for the summer house

Sanitary standards indicate that the discharge of treated water outside the device should be carried out no more often than once every two weeks. When making calculations, no one uses this provision, because in this case, for a family of 4 people you need a device, the volume of 8 “cubes”, at least. It is also not a fact that each resident spends 200 liters of water per day, and experts and does not believe that we can proceed from the indicator in 0.1 m3/day. In this case, 3 people will need a “cubic” septic, but the installation of such devices are not welcome.

There are other exceptions to the rules in the form of an unexpected increase in the number of residents and expanding the composition of household appliances (buying a dishwasher, for example). Therefore, to calculate the required volume of septic tank should take into account possible changes. Experts recommend using a more precise formula:

V septic = (Number of tenants * 0.2 + 0.2) *2

To give a margin of safety should add another flow for one conditional person, then multiply the result by two, counting on the fact that some residents are very fond of taking water procedures. Thus, for 5 people, for example, the minimum volume of septic tank is 2.4 m3, the ideal solution for 6 people will be the disposer of 2.8 m3. As practice shows, these are real figures that allow you to unmistakably buy a septic tank that will make living in the house as comfortable as possible.

It is even easier to calculate the necessary volume of septic tank for dacha, designed for occasional residence. In this case, most often installed low-function hoarders, which should choose, given how many cubes can dispose of at a time, the sewage removal equipment.

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