Blog Gutter systems

How to Avoid Leaky Gutters – Causes and Prevention of Leaks


The purpose of the drainage system is to promptly divert water during bad weather, otherwise the appearance of the building is disturbed, the facade is destroyed, the foundation is destroyed. As a result, the whole structure is disturbed, the foundation shrinks. Leaky gutters deliver not only an aesthetic problem, but can also lead to the need for major repairs.

Causes of leaking gutters

The gutter system begins to leak in the following cases:

  • debris accumulates in the gutter and downspouts;
  • the installation technology is broken;
  • mechanical or physical damage;
  • loss of strength of joints.

Such problems can occur even in the most durable drainage system, regardless of the materials used. To prevent leaks it is necessary to conduct a full inspection of all parts from time to time.

If your home has a plastic gutter system, inspections should be done more frequently, as PVC is more brittle. If your home has a metal gutter system, inspection should be done at least once a season to make sure there are no signs of corrosion or rust.

Preventing leaks in your gutter system

Depending on the problem encountered, the method of fixing it also changes. In the event that you notice a frequent accumulation of twigs, leaves and other small objects. Most often this problem occurs in the fall, less often in the summer. Otherwise, it makes it difficult for water to pass through the system. If you do not clean the system, water will accumulate, freeze in the winter and even the toughest material will warp.

If you find irregularities that were made during the installation of the system, they must be corrected immediately. This happens most often in the case, the installation is carried out by inexperienced professionals. First of all, you need to check what kind of fasteners were used to install the gutters and downspouts. It is important that they can withstand the weight of the structure. Otherwise, the structure will begin to deform under its own weight. It is also important to check at what distance was the installation of gutters. If you install them too far away or too close, the water will simply not come from the roof drain into them.

Not less often users can face drying of seals and connectors. Even with metal components, there may be low-strength connectors used or there simply wasn’t the right sealant. In this case, you just need to replace the connectors and use a quality sealant. When choosing the latter, pay attention to those that are resistant to weather damage and UV radiation.

From time to time it is also necessary to check how firmly the sealant latches are sitting, as they can loosen over time. It is recommended to do this every few weeks.

Be sure to review the entire gutter system after a hailstorm so that damaged parts can be replaced in a timely manner. Complete maintenance is recommended at least once a year. Simply following the recommendations will extend the life of the structure for up to several decades.

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